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Hi-Rail Rotary Dump Trucks

Hi-Rail Rotary Dump Trucks for Sale or Rent

Hi-rail rotary dump trucks from CraneWorks are optimized to deliver rail gravel at the widest usable angle to help you finish your railroad maintenance projects quickly and safely. Our rotary dump trucks use premium parts from manufacturers like DMF and Harsco, and are built on-site so we can assure that their quality meets our standards.

CraneWorks rotary dump trucks are ideal for railroad projects because of their DMF Roto-180 dump body, which features a subframe that swivels the dump bed in either direction. Because of the rotating bed, the trucks can deposit gravel anywhere on a 180° arc without moving the vehicle.

Hi-Rail Gear from DMF or Harsco

Rotobec Elite 910SP grapple hi rail vehicleIn addition to rotary dump trucks, CraneWorks supplies many additional types of hi-rail vehicles like grapple trucks and mechanics trucks. Contact us for more information.

The trucks are also fitted with DMF or Harsco hi-rail gear so they can deliver material to remote job sites without having to leave the track. This makes them the perfect choice for a broad range of railroad projects, including:

  • Rail washout repair and grade stabilization
  • Switch/diamond removal

  • Culvert work

  • Bridge work

  • Demolition

  • Site remediation

  • Emergency response

A hi-rail rotary dump truck delivers flexibility and efficiency that no traditional dump truck can match. They can also be deployed with other heavy equipment from CraneWorks, so if you have additional needs don't hesitate to ask. Contact us today to learn more about how this remarkable truck can provide superior value for your next project.

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